1 file: 1,999,999b; Modified 31/01/2001 13:35:00 2 99: 199.234 MB 128 xplorer² 204 Scrap container # 10000 Please enter a number between %1!d! and %2!d! 10001 The CPU cannot make any sense of the last input 10002 Not all items in the folder were accessible 10003 There is no active visual filter 10004 The selection does not support this verb 10005 The selection cannot be dragged 10006 The Clipboard is inaccessible 10007 Folder contents can't be refreshed; try getting out and back in again 10008 Cannot access contents of selected item(s) 10009 Paste from clipboard failed 10010 For one reason or other, the item can't be renamed 10011 This item cannot be renamed 10012 This command requires a shortcut item selected 10013 This link cannot be resolved today 10014 This item has no preview image 10015 New item creation failed 10016 The main frame window for this thread is unavailable 10017 Unable to create scrap frame 10018 Cannot launch editor/viewer; check command lines in registry 10019 CPU tried its best but this command is ineffable 10020 Special paste commands require filesystem source (& target) items 10021 Error creating hard link(s); are source & target on the same NTFS partition? 10022 Can't paste (or hard link) an item in its original folder 10023 Can't paste a folder within (below) itself 10024 Error writing contents file 10025 Error reading and/or corrupt contents file 10026 Some items in the file could not be located 10027 Requested path is outside the local namespace root 10028 Reading from %1 failed miserably 10029 This folder does not seem to be a valid data source 10030 The target folder does not accept this file operation 10031 The specified filter is invalid 10032 No items match the specified filter 10033 Read error or user interrupt 10034 No sync-matched folders found; have you tried a synchronization command (e.g. F9) first? 10035 Please use $ or > to specify command type 10036 I/O error while writing the script file 10037 Not enough memory for requested operation 10038 The command template is invalid 10039 The file "%s" is not present in the installation folder 10040 Write error, shreding aborted 10041 This operation requires a file object 10042 I/O error or user aborted the operation 10043 Too few files selected for merging 10044 The target folder is invalid 10045 The "From" field shouldn't be empty 10046 The "To" field shouldn't be empty\nor contain wildcards or/and dot characters 10047 Column selection is not supported for virtual folders 10048 You must select at least one column 10049 Free space can be obtained only for filesystem folders 10050 This column cannot be renamed in place; please put Name column first 10051 Selection clipboard is empty 10052 No matching items in the selection clipboard 10053 The pasted object contains no folders 10054 Write error while pasting special target 10055 Relative folder structure is ambiguous; paste aborted 10999 This is an early (alpha) release of xplorer². It is not meant for inexperienced or casual users, just for testers. Please be very careful while using it for signs of abnormalities. Do not experiment with xplorer² capabilities on important files/folders.\n\nThank you for participating in this testing phase! 11000 Registry extension keys 11001 New registry key extension 11002 11003 11004 file 11005 Name 11006 Full name 11007 Extension 11008 Size 11009 Attributes 11010 Modified 11011 Created 11012 Accessed 11013 Type 11014 Path 11015 Version 11016 Links 11017 Checksum 11018 Medium 11019 8.3 Name 11020 Size on disk 11030 Selected full name(s) copied to the clipboard 11031 The folder was renamed or deleted; switching to desktop 11032 Pane contents have been refreshed ok 11034 Empty pane 11035 %u item(s) 11037 namespace extension 11038 virtual item 11040 folder 11041 link 11043 Preview image placed in the clipboard 11044 New File 11045 New Folder 11046 Are you sure you want to open all these files? 11047 Item(s) removed from view (still exist on disc though) 11048 The active filter may have obscured some of the inserted items 11049 Hard Link 11051 Pasting special... (ESC to abort) 11053 scrap² - 11054 Pane contents saved ok 11055 Ctrl+Arrows/Return to select/pick names; F1 to complete names; $ (script) tokens accepted; press to run 11056 (unknown) 11057 Floppy 11058 Hard Disc 11059 Network 11060 CDROM 11061 Ram Disc 11062 Bookmark set ok. 11063 Address Bar 11064 English translation 11065 Focus cursor passed the last item 11066 At least one pane has an active visual filter;%nthe synchronization may be incomplete.%nContinue anyway? 11067 Synchronization has identified and selected items for further action 11068 The contents of the two folders seem identical 11069 The command history is empty 11070 Select filter 11071 Unselect filter 11072 Specify the filter (e.g. '*.cpp') and press 11073 Visual filter: 11074 Reading folder contents... 11075 The active visual filter may be obscuring some items;%nsuch hidden items won't be saved.%nContinue anyway? 11076 Select folder to flatten 11077 Flattening folder hierarchy... (ESC to interrupt) 11078 No items match the requested synchronization mask 11079 (undetermined items exist) 11080 Scanning contents... (ESC to abort) 11081 No matching file contains the specified text 11082 Files containing specified text selected for further action 11083 Select a command: 11084 These special tokens are automatically substituted in command templates:\n\n$N Filename (sample.txt)\n$B Basename (sample)\n$E Extension (txt)\n$P Path (c:\folder)\n$F Path+file (c:\folder\sample.txt)\n$S All selected filenames\n$A All selected filenames (fullpaths)\n$L Left (top) pane path\n$R Right (bottom) pane path\n$I Inactive pane path\n$Q Filename from inactive pane (other.txt)\n$G Filename+path from inactive pane (d:\other.txt)\n$nn Automatically incremented counter starting from number nn\n$$ (Escape) for a single $\n\nAll lowercase versions of the above (e.g. $f) use compact 8.3 file/path names 11085 Expanding all branches... (ESC to abort) 11086 Save changes to '%1' ? 11087 Comparing items... (ESC to abort) 11088 End of line 11089 Tab 11090 Return 11091 Line feed 11092 Space 11093 Comma 11094 r 11095 r 11096 You are about to blow files into extinction.\nIt's impossible to recover shredded items.\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed? 11097 Shreding... (ESC to abort) 11098 Shreding aborted, but some files may have been destroyed 11099 %s\n\nA file with this name already exists; overwrite it anyway? 11100 Split File 11103 Splitting... (ESC to abort) 11104 The selected files' creation dates are not in order\n(make sure you have them arranged/sorted properly)\n\nProceed with merging anyway? 11105 Merge target name 11106 Merging... (ESC to abort) 11107 All targets are up to date 11108 No items matched the specified source filter 11109 Display name 11110 Actual file name 11111 Filename extension 11112 File size 11113 File Attributes 11114 Date last modified 11115 Creation date 11116 Last accessed date 11117 File type 11118 Full path of container 11119 Executable program version 11120 Number of hard links 11121 Simple checksum of contents 11122 Data medium information 11123 DOS 8.3 Name 11124 Actual size occupied on disk (including compressed/sparse files) 11135 Filename 11136 Basename 11137 Extension 11138 Folder path 11139 Full path 11140 All selected filenames 11141 All selected fullpaths 11142 Left (top) pane path 11143 Right (bottom) pane path 11144 Inactive pane path 11145 Inactive pane's focus 11146 Inactive focus fullpath 11147 Automatic counter 11148 Dollar character 11158 Free space: 11159 Range below item %d 11160 New item name: 11161 Mirror browsing is ON 11162 Mirror browsing is OFF 11163 untitled 11164 Selection columns copied to the clipboard 11165 Current selection stored 11166 Folder size results are best viewed in the stock size column 11167 Reading subfolders... (ESC to abort) 32773 Open another explorer window like this one\nClone (Ctrl+N) 32775 Toggle automatic saving of program options on exit 32776 Set the registry (extension) key where this instance's settings are saved 32777 Browse folder or launch item 32778 Browse the focused item in a new window 32779 Browse one level up from the current folder\nParent (Bksp) 32780 Displays items using large icons\nLarge 32781 Displays items using small icons\nSmall 32782 Displays items in a list\nList 32783 Displays detailed information for each item\nDetails 32784 Select all items 32785 Displays the shell properties of the selected item(s)\nProperties (F12) 32786 Copy the full names of the selected items to the clipboard ( for short 8.3 paths) 32788 View file contents as text\nView (F3) 32789 Edit file contents as text\nEdit (F4) 32790 Copy item's preview image as bitmap 32791 Send selected items to the recycle bin ( for permanent deletion)\nDelete (Del) 32792 Rename the selected item in place\nRename (F2) 32793 Copy selection to another folder ( for transfer to the inactive pane)\nCopy to (F5) 32794 Move selection to another folder ( for transfer to the inactive pane)\nMove to (F6) 32795 Create a new (empty) text file\nNew file (F7) 32796 Create a new folder\nNew folder (F8) 32797 Create shortcuts to the items held in the clipboard 32798 Find target item pointed to by this shortcut file (resolve link) 32799 Create hard links for the items held in the clipboard (NTFS only) 32800 Total annihilation of the selected items 32801 Set the modification date of the selected items 32802 Toggle sticky item selection mode (unaffected by clicks or keys)\nSticky (Alt+S) 32803 Unselect all items 32804 Toggle the visual filter on/off\nFilter (Ctrl+J) 32806 Locate the browsed folder within the tree hierarchy 32808 Show or hide the folder tree pane\nTree on/off (Ctrl+T) 32809 Open a scrap frame for temporarily holding items from various folders 32810 Change the DOS attributes of the selected items 32814 Open the selected item (default action) 32815 Load the selected items into a regular folder pane 32816 Remove selected items from this pane (real files not affected)\nRemove (Del) 32819 Insert item(s) in this pane 32820 Cancel this right-drop operation 32821 Split the selected file into smaller chunks 32822 Combine selected items into a single file (in the order shown in pane) 32824 Displays preview icons for items\nThumbnails 32825 Save active pane's contents in a file for later retrieval\nWrite contents 32826 Open content file written earlier\nOpen 32827 Extract a folder and all its subfolders here 32828 Start any windows (GUI) program 32829 Run a command that requires the DOS interpreter (dir, ren, etc) 32831 Return to the folder browsed before\nBack (Alt+left) 32832 Advance to the next folder in list\nForward (Alt+right) 32834 Go to the folder bookmarked earlier\nBookmark (Ctrl+1) 32835 Set bookmark on the current folder 32840 Toggle single/dual folder pane mode 32843 Select items that differ among the panes, using date information 32844 Quick-repeat of the last command executed 32845 Select items that match a filter 32846 Unselect items that match a filter 32847 Select unselected items and vice-versa 32848 Constrain item visibility according to supplied filter 32849 If checked, the panes follow each other as you traverse the folder hierarchy 32854 Enforce deep synchronization results, copying selected items to their respective target folders 32855 Select files that contain some specified text string\nFind text (Ctrl+G) 32856 Select a command from the history list 32857 Creates a script (batch file), applying a command template on each selected item 32861 Force inactive pane to the same folder as the active one ( for the inverse) 32862 Mutually exchange the contents of the two panes 32863 Read information about existing features and program history 32864 How to enable and view the trace messages printed by xplorer2 32885 Find a file or folder under the current one 32886 Synchronize panes with tailor-made options 32888 Mark items according to file transformation rules (e.g. compilation) 32890 Organize columns for detailed view mode 32891 Select a number of items below the active one 32892 Sort alphabetically by name\nBy name 32893 Sort by size, from smallest to largest\nBy size 32894 Sort by modification date, from most recent to oldest\nBy date 32895 Sort by filename extension\nBy type 32896 Do not sort items; display them in the order read from disc 32897 Sort by a non-standard column 32898 Toggles sorting from "smaller" to "largest" 32899 Goto the website for the latest build 32901 Check the free space in the disc(s) being browsed; refresh views if necessary 32902 Rename an item including its DOS extension 32903 Open a scrap frame for this item (folder) and add all its contents recursively 32905 List all windows controlled by this application; optionally switch among them 32907 Save all current settings immediately 32909 Copy selected items' column text as it appears in the active pane 32910 Remember the selected items for later use 32911 Select all items stored earlier in the selection clipboard 32912 Unselect all items stored earlier in the selection clipboard 32913 Paste all and only subfolders without any files they contain 32914 Paste items (sourced from a scrap frame) recreating the original subfolder structure 32915 Calculate total size occupied by folders and their subfolders 40000 Clone a window from this registry key for browsing the active item 57345 Ready 57602 Close this window 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy (Ctrl+C) 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut (Ctrl+X) 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste (Ctrl+V) 57638 Create shortcuts to the items held in clipboard 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application (all open windows) 59392 Show or hide the toolbar 59393 Show or hide the status bar 59395 Refresh pane contents\nRefresh (Ctrl+R) 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61190 Close the active window 61202 Restore the window to normal size